Monday, November 2, 2015

Monocular Cues

Relative Size
Relative Size is when the brain assumes that if two objects are similar in size, the one that casts a smaller retinal image is farther away.

The iPhone's are the same size but since the white phone is farther away, the black phone seems bigger.

Relative Motion
Relative Motion is when the brain makes stable figures seem as if they were moving. This occurs when someone moves while staring at a certain object, the object seems to be moving backwards.

Relative Height
Relative Height is when the brain perceives objects higher in our field of vision are perceived as farther away.

The house that is higher in the picture seems to be farther away from the ducks in the pond.

Relative Clarity
Relative Clarity is when light from distant objects passes through more atmosphere therefore they are perceived as hazy and farther away than sharp, clear object.

In this picture, the flower is much clearer than the background due to the lack of light in the background and extra light on the flower.

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